The book of Josef et Anni Albers, whose exhibition held at Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris 2021
The book of Josef et Anni Albers, whose exhibition held at Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris 2021
1986年駒形克己により設立。グラフィックデザイン全般。本の制作・出版。商品開発。日本国内、世界各地で行われるワークショップ活動、展示プロデュースなど。1994年より世界各地を巡回している「1,2,3...KOMAGATA」展の開催や、毎年春に開催されるボローニャ国際児童図書展での、ブース「SMALL WORLD」の出展など。NY ADC銀賞、ラガッツィ賞、グッドデザイン賞(積み木)、グッドデザイン賞・ユニバーサルデザイン大賞、 ドミュメンタリー番組「触れる 感じる 壊れる絵本 ~造本作家・駒形克己の挑戦~」がWOWOWプライムにて放送され国際エミー賞にノミネート 他

Katsumi Komagata established ONE STROKE in 1986. Since then, as "GALLERY KOMAGATA", the company has been presenting its past achievements and future developments in the form of art and design. Since 1994, we been involved in the "1,2,3... KOMAGATA" exhibition, which has traveled around the world, and participated in "SMALL WORLD" at the International Children's Book Fair in Bologna. "little design: Katsumi Komagata" exhibition (from 2019 at Itabashi Art Museum, Mitsubishi Jisho Artium, Iwate Museum of Art, Ashikaga City Museum of Art, and Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum), and the "Katsumi Komagata: E! hon" exhibition (Ueda City Museum and Ueda City Museum from 2020), participation in the MUJI LIFE in ART Exhibition at MUJI Ginza, and the "Katsumi Komagata Picture Book Design" exhibition at MUJI Shanghai, as well as holding exhibitions in Japan and around the world, and managing exhibition-based workshops. In design projects, we have designed the logo for Fukuoka Dental College Hospital and graphics in Kyushu University Hospital Pediatric Medical Center, as well as logos and signage systems for various administrative facilities in Itabashi Ward.
For work requests, please contact us using the inquiry form below or by email or phone.
5-21-20, Tsurumaki, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 154-0016 Japan
Tel. +813-6432-6108 one@one-stroke.co.jp