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photo credit:Eugenia Sierko, Created for Hermès

first ottle.jpg

photo credit:LA MAISON DU WHISKY





Face to the real

Plants absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen. Animals burn oxygen to obtain energy for action. This is also the method used to create a book, called zohon. Information is gathered through interviews and observations, and then condensed into a simple form. Then, we convert them into expressions that affect the reader's mind in the form of interest, and create a form that gives the reader an experience. That is how we create books.

Face to the real

We believe that design is "born" rather than "made". By always facing the target person, we share their field (clients), cultivate them together and propose problems, and the idea and design are what sprout from there. First, go to the site and detect the problem. That is the first step in design.


When we propose a design, we always keep in mind the "three types of design. The first is "Updated Design," which is a design that continues and updates the design while respecting what has worked in the past; the second is "Right on target Design," which is a design that hits the right target; and the third is "Far out Design," which is a design that is one step ahead of its time, looking to the future. Designers are constantly required to incorporate these time frames into their designs.




デザインを提案する際に常に意識する「3つのデザイン」。既存デザインをひき継ぎ成功している部分を尊重して更新する、Updated Design。ターゲットを的確にとらえる、Right on target Design。そして将来を見据え一歩先行く、Far out Design。視覚的な問題解決は社会的側面にも効用し、例えば企業や組織のロゴはその活用次第で最小で最大の広告に。成功しているものが時代に合わせたゆるやかな更新が必要な一方、そうでない場合には大胆な改変が新たなチャンスを創出します。

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