The book of Josef et Anni Albers, whose exhibition held at Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris 2021
The book of Josef et Anni Albers, whose exhibition held at Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris 2021
1986年駒形克己により設立。グラフィックデザイン全般。本の制作・出版。商品開発。日本国内、世界各地で行われるワークショップ活動、展示プロデュースなど。1994年より世界各地を巡回している「1,2,3...KOMAGATA」展の開催や、毎年春に開催されるボローニャ国際児童図書展での、ブース「SMALL WORLD」の出展など。NY ADC銀賞、ラガッツィ賞、グッドデザイン賞(積み木)、グッドデザイン賞・ユニバーサルデザイン大賞、 ドミュメンタリー番組「触れる 感じる 壊れる絵本 ~造本作家・駒形克己の挑戦~」がWOWOWプライムにて放送され国際エミー賞にノミネート 他
Katsumi Komagata
Book artist・designer

Katsumi Komagata, who has been active internationally outside of Japan, moved to the U.S. in 1976 and began his career in 1980 as a graphic designer at the New York headquarters of CBS, one of the U.S.'s three major networks.
He returned to Japan in 1983, and in 1990, after the birth of his child, he began creating picture books that were not bound by existing forms ("LITTLE EYES① FIRST LOOK").
In 1994, he participated in "1,2,3.... KOMAGATA" was held at the Museum of Fine Arts in Villeurban, France in 1994. The exhibition traveled to France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. KOMAGATA has been held in museums, libraries, and other public facilities, and has developed a variety of workshop programs. The activities have also expanded to New Caledonia, Mexico, Brazil, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Korea, and China.
In 2001, "PLIS ET PLANS" and "LEAVES", books for the visually impaired, were published by the Centre Georges Pompidou, the National Museum of Modern Art, France; in 2004, "A place where stars rest", a book start commissioned by the city of Grenoble, France was published; in 2012, at the request of the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts of Amiens, France, a picture book with sign language was produced. The following year, a documentary program on Katsumi Komagata that closely followed the production process was broadcast on WOWOW Prime, and the program was nominated for an International Emmy Award.
He has also received the Bologna Ragazzi Award, given to outstanding picture books, three times: in 2000 ("MINI BOOK"), 2010 ("Little tree"), and 2016 ("When the Sun Rises") In 2007, he served on the international jury for the Bologna International Original Art Exhibition Since 2008, he has been a member of the Bologna International Children's Book Fair, he has developed a "SMALL WORLD" booth every year except for the year of the Corona Disaster.
In Japan, "little design: Katsumi Komagata" traveled to Itabashi Art Museum, Mitsubishi Jisho Artium, Fukuoka; Iwate Museum of Art; Ashikaga Museum of Art; Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum; and Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris in 2022. "E! hon" held at the Ueda City Museum of Art in 2020 and at the World Children's Art Museum Okazaki in 2022.
He has received many awards including the 2006 GOOD DESIGN Universal Design Award (Environmental Design for Kyushu University Hospital Children's Medical Center) and the 2007 GOOD DESIGN Award (Tsumiki BLOCK'N BLOCK), and has been a part-time lecturer at Rikkyo University since 2013 and a specially appointed professor at Joshibi University of Art and Design until his retirement.