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KoreanBookFair_20241214_アートボード 1 のコピー 2_

We have selected unique books we have encountered in Korea from GALLERY KOMAGATA's point of view!
There are only a few copies of each book, so if you are interested in any of them, please be sure to come early.

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Thank you for sending us warm messages from all over the world.
GALLERY KOMAGATA / ONE STROKE CO., LTD. will be represented by Ai Komagata.


Katsumi Komagata appeared on J-WAVE's radio program DIALOGUE RADIO -IN THE DARK-.

NHK WORLD Design X Stories "Picture Books"

Katsumi Komagata appears on NHK WORLD-JAPAN's program DESIGN X STORIES "Picture books".
Available for viewing until March 31, 2026

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